Strettoio automatico OMC sbu/a 30/17

AUTOMATICO A BARRA UNICA DIMENSIONI 3000x1700 PISTONI VERTICALI 2 Ø 90 c. 800 PISTONI ORIZZONTALI 2 Ø 65 c. 1200 HP 3 Le centraline che vengono montate su queste macchine…

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Automatic frame press sbu/a 30/17

AUTOMATIC ONE-BAR DIMENSIONS 3000x1700 VERTICAL PISTONS 2 Ø 90 c. 800 HORIZONTAL PISTONS 2 Ø 65 c. 1200 HP 3 Power packs of these machines are special and they guarantee…

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Strettoio sbu OMC special 30/20

MANUALI A BARRA UNICA Trave verticale mobile Trave verticale fissa regolabile manualmente in 3 posizioni Squadre laterali fisse Movimentazione idraulica delle squadre laterali Centralina oleodinamica con gruppo elettrovalvole Pulsantiera mobile…

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Frame press sbu special 30/20

MANUAL ONE-BAR Movable vertical beam Fixed vertical beam manually adjustable in 3 positions Fixed side squares Hydraulic movement of the side squares Hydraulic power pack with electrovalves group Movable push…

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Press pl/ls.m 2500×1300

Application of 5 lateral pistons Ø 40 This model can be used as a normal press for double panels and to ennoble with veneer and/or laminated, and as a press…

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