Spreader beam with adjustable hooks

SPREADER BEAM WITH ADJUSTABLE HOOKS Spreader beams with adjustable hooks are equipped with a steel structure, painted with antirust and two coats of enamel (yellow RAL 1006), to maintain the…

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Bilancino in trave con ganci fissi

BILANCINO IN TRAVE CON GANCI FISSI I bilancini in trave con ganci fissi sono dotati di una struttura in acciaio, verniciata con antiruggine e due mani di smalto (giallo RAL…

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Spreader beam with fixed hooks

SPREADER BEAM WITH FIXED HOOKS Spreader beams with fixed hooks are equipped with a steel structure, painted with antirust and two coats of enamel (yellow RAL 1006), to maintain the…

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Gru a portale in alluminio

GRU A PORTALE IN ALLUMINIO  La gru a portale in alluminio, con il suo peso ridotto, garantisce una movimentazione del carico rapida, efficace, pratica e sicura. Le gambe sono comodamente…

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Aluminum portal crane

ALUMINUM PORTAL CRANE The aluminum portal crane, with its low weight, ensures quick, effective, practical and safe load handling. Legs are comfortably foldable for easy transport. The weights of the…

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Gru a portale

GRU PORTALE CON TRAVERSA IN PROFILATO IPE Fornita di serie con: Fianchi in profilo tubolare Traversa in profilato trave IPE Ruote piroettanti in vulcolan Verniciati con antiruggine e due mani…

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Portal crane

PORTAL CRAN WITH IPE PERFILED CROSSBAR Supplied as standard with: Sides in tubular profile Perfiled Crossbar beam IPE Revolving wheels of Vulkollan Finished with anti-rust and two coats of enamel…

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